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Business Glossary Vs Data Dictionary Vs Data Catalog

Business Glossary Vs Data Dictionary Vs Data Catalog

A lot of users get confused with the difference between a glossary, data dictionary and catalog and often end up mixing them up. Here is a quick easy definitions with an example illustration for easy comprehension. Business Glossary A collection of business terms with...

Master Data Management Implementation Patterns

Master Data Management Implementation Patterns

MDM Implementation Patterns Do not let you multi-domain MDM evolve without a comprehensive enterprise strategy or plan. The building blocks of an effective MDM program are Scope, People, Governance, Process, Technology and Pattern. In this post we are going to discuss...

Simplified Data Governance Model and Framework

Simplified Data Governance Model and Framework

Governance Model Data Governance is defined as the exercise of authority and control (planning, monitoring and enforcement) over the management of data assets.DAMA As with any Governance model you first need to determine the governing bodies or otherwise known as...